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"You'll feel as if you're actually there!"

Tipping Tour Guides in China

To keep these unique experiences alive, we depend on the generosity of supporters like you. Every donation, whether it’s $2, $3, or $5, plays a vital role in helping us continue this incredible journey and supports the hard work of our dedicated local guides. If you haven’t donated yet, there’s still time to make an impact and become part of something truly special.


Your support powers our free virtual travel tours and drives our mission to explore and share China’s rich culture, history, and traditions. Our initiative is fully sustained by people like you who appreciate the chance to experience the wonders of China. By contributing to My China Guide, you help us maintain these enriching experiences and keep our journey moving forward.

If you’d like to tip a specific guide, simply use the donate button below and write in who you would like your tip to go to. Thank you for your support!

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